Part 1: Things I’ve Missed From Home

Things That I’ve Missed the Most From Home

As my time abroad begins to wrap, and the anxious excitement about going home starts to set in, its hard not to think about all the things that are waiting for me and the things that I have missed the most from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and just home in general. Here are, in no specific order, the things that I have missed the most from home.

The food. As if I haven’t talked about it enough, and with my growing figure to prove it, we all know, I love food. And now don’t get me wrong, there is food from Barcelona that I will absolutely miss, like sandwiches from Bo De B, and just about everything on the menu at Brunch&Cake. But none of them compare to a Steve’s chicken cheesesteak, a good soft pretzel, and sweet lord, pork roll. I don’t think you all will ever be able to understand how rough a morning after the clubs is, without a Pork Roll, Egg and Cheese. I have already made it clear to my parents that we will be stopping for cheesesteaks on the way home from the airport, and I will probably be drooling the entire time I wait for my PEC on Sunday morning at Bagel Barrel. And Wawa, your hoagies and coffee have never been so desired. Coffee here isn’t actually all that good so I simply cannot wait to drink normal, good coffee. Oh, and lets not forget Chiptole. That one speaks for itself. My first stop on my way back into Amherst will 100% be Antonio’s, quickly followed by the gym to work off all that I have eaten since being abroad and with the holidays arriving right when I get home, I know things aren’t going to get much easier. Having said this, the food I miss the most is my mother’s cooking. While going out to eat, and trying new foods is fun, and I have grown to really like cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, simply nothing compares to your mother’s home cooking. Especially with a mom who is as good of a cook as my own. Very much looking forward to the two of us whipping up some masterpieces in the kitchen.

IMG_3745My Puppies: With puppies as cute as mine, how would it be possible not to miss them like crazy? Very much looking forward to snuggling those little suckers all night, the night I come home.

Christmas Season at Home: While there is lots here to honor Christmas, there is something to be said for spending time with your friends and family around the holidays in your hometown. I’ve always loved going to see the lights in Peddlers Village and getting our Christmas tree as a family as well as setting up all our Christmas decorations. In classic, Jeff Sager fashion, we must all be together to get the Christmas tree so I am excited to be extremely jet lagged on Sunday morning at church and then wonder around, what will most likely be a very bare, Christmas Tree farm before picking out the perfect one. I love the spirit of the holidays especially around Christmas time so I’m excited for the time that I will be getting to celebrate.

American Sports: There are no words to describe how excited I am to watch hockey and football. Soccer is great and all, but lets be real here, it doesn’t compare to American sports in the slightest.

The Basics: Like my bed, the dryer, my car, and being able to read a street sign and actually know what it says/means. Not having a dryer has been brutal and somehow my clothes have shrunk more here without a dryer than they would with one. Also, I have the most comfortable beds of all time so the adjustment to my tiny bed here, was a rough one. To drive my car and actually read road signs is not something I anticipated missing but boy, do I.
217720_1966422887198_2910539_nMy Friends: Having Breanna and Megan here as well as seeing Stacy in Dublin was a tease of what is waiting for me at home. I can’t wait to hug my best friends from Doylestown, who may try to find their way into the truck of my parent’s car on the way to the airport. Also cannot wait to get back to Amherst and see some of my favorite people who I haven’t seen in over 6 months. The first couple of weeks are sure to be filled with sappy Hallmark reunions and that totally fine with me. I’m also excited to see my family friends who I haven’t seen maybe even since last Christmas.

Last and certainly not lease, My Family: I’ve missed my family more than I thought possible; and not just my parents (although there will be tears shed when I see them). I found myself missing my little brothers more times than I can count. I have been able to FaceTime with a few of my cousins (and Aunt) and that was been a life saver, but I’m still going to tackle them and smother them in loving, the second I see them. They’ve already been warned, don’t worry. Upon my arrival to the states, should also be the a1016949_10205226461928064_340269222182433221_nrrival of another baby cousin who I am anxiously waiting to meet. This morning when I FaceTimed my parents, I asked my mom to bring my PopPop and RoRo to the airport with her to pick me up because going this long without hearing my PopPop call me “Stuffy” has been much harder than I thought. I am very thankful that my return to the states coincides with Christmas since I usually get to see almost all of my family on Christmas Day. I am probably going to get tired of answering the same 5 questions but I am very, very, very excited to see everyone.


Very much grateful for my time abroad but this girl is very much ready to snuggle on the couch next to the fireplace with my family and puppies.

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