The Adventures of Megan and Stephanie Go TransAtlantic

My friends are the shit. Megan, Breanna and Stacy, at this point in my study abroad adventure, I have to credit the three of you with my remaining amounts of sanity and for getting me through the last 7 weeks here. If it hadn’t been for you guys coming to visit, I imagine that things could have looked very different. Thank you girls so much. You’re simply the best.

She came, we saw, we conquered. The adventures of Megan and Stephanie go TransAtlantic. I barely had 12294736_10153313932292219_5497156219088022883_ntime to be sad about Breanna leaving because before I knew it, I was back on the bus to the airport to pick up Megan. Don’t worry, I beat Megan to the airport and she didn’t have to stand there alone quite like Breanna did. And yes, I still feel really bad about that. It’s been a year and a half since I have seen Megan so needless to say, I was a little excited to see her. Once we made it back from the airport, we grabbed lunch. Disclosure: Megan and I did a lot of really good eating while she was here. Like A LOT. After a little rest, we made our way to the Christmas Villages in the City Center. Barcelona has a bunch of these little Villages with lots of vendors that sell traditional Christmas decorations of Spain and Cataluna as well as Christmas trees and a variety of other things. The traditional Christmas decoration here are some of the oddest things I’ve ever seen. For whatever reason, Cataluna ties together Christmas and pooping. It really makes no sense to me but whatever. Also the Christmas tree acquiring process here in Spain would simply appall Jeff Sager, who takes nothing quite as seriously as he does Christmas. After seeing the lights and different Christmas decorations, I took Megan to one of my favorite place in Barcelona, La Boqueria, before heading back and getting ready for our first night out at the clubs together.

On Thursday, we set out toward the beach and grabbed sandwiches from Bo De B, which pretty much saved my life after a rough morning. From there we walked down through the Marina, looked at the multi-million dollar yatchs and took the tram from the beach over to Mount Juic. Th12341556_10153313933387219_7482543265411752225_nis is where our unintentional 10-mile “hike” began. We walked all around the mountain, looking at all the Olympic stadiums including the swimming pool, the track and field stadium and the indoor competition venue that has since become a big concert venue. From the stadiums, we were a short walk over to the National Art Museum were we admired the views of Barcelona and the fountains. After stopping for a yummy crepe, we went to the top of the arena to see the fountains in actions and admire the lights on this end of the city. We made turkey and rice soup for dinner and just hung low that night. We got to see the views of Barcelona from a few different places throughout the day which as really fun.

On Friday we went to La Sagrada Familia. We went up the towers this time though, which was a first for me and another great way to see the city. I wouldn’t say that I was necessarily prepared for the 300+ spiral steps that it entailed but it was cool to be able to see different parts of the ongoing construction as well. Megan said that she needed to have Mexican food while she was here, which, coming from Texas, didn’t
12301686_10153313937242219_6366521273274287969_nexactly make sense to me but Mexican is my favorite type of food so there was no argument there. One of my favorite Mexican places in the city happens to be less than a block from La Sagrada so we went there for lunch. We had tacos and nachos and tried a couple different types of margaritas, which were really yummy. I love La Tequeria because the staff is great and they have the best suggestions not to mention the food is fantastic. There is another Christmas Village outside La Sagrada, so we walked through there. We stopped to get churros and really only wanted like one or two but somehow ended up with a two pound bouquets of churros. Who needs flowers when you could have churros? We enjoyed a few and then gave the rest away to homeless people that night and throughout the next day. We walked down the famous shopping street in Barcelona, Passeig de Gracia and looked at all the Christmas storefronts and envied some of the people that were leaving the stores with more bags than they could carry. That night we met up with friends at the stock market bar, Dow Jones, one of my favorites and then went on and conquered the beach clubs together. One way or another I ended up meeting a kid that lives in Doylestown, across the street from my high school and knows all my friends which was mind blowing and very fun. Overall, great day and night.

Saturday, we were a little sluggish we intended on going to Park Guell but instead sp12360059_10208253036030525_1457749300682299787_nent the day shopping around. We had lunch at an American style diner, which was a nice change. We walked round the Christmas Village and other parts of the city just exploring. We went back to La Boquerria and tried some yummy fruit juices and candies. We came home and relaxed before getting a really nice dinner atop the arena. Megan had never had paella before and I have been really hesitant to try paella here since it has lots of competition with Kim and Ryan’s ‘award winning paella’ but we had to try it. I was actually surprised at how yummy it was. The weather that night was absolutely beautiful so we walked around and looked at the lights a little more. We passed a few homeless people on the way home and remembered all the churros and Oreos that we had left in the house so we went back to my flat, grabbed them and then walked around for a while leaving treats for the sleeping homeless people. A very nice way to wrap up the night and to spread a little holiday cheer.

Sunday we went to Park Guell. Surprisingly there weren’t a ton of people inside the park itself so we were actually able to get a seat on the benches to take some pictures and to admire the views. I think the views of Barcelona from Park Guell are by far 12342398_10208253033590464_4653217955100265821_nthe best views of the city. On our way home, we grabbed food at Brunch&Cake because I’ll take literally any excuse I can get to eat there. Always so yummy even though I still haven’t been able to try the quinoa burger because they are always out. I’m determined though. We came home and watched Home Alone, my favorite Christmas movie then made dinner while listening to Christmas carols and then watched Elf. I was very much not ready for Megan to be leaving me but I am very much ready for Christmas. I am usually never one to freak out over Christmas or listen to Christmas carols constantly but this year has been very different. I think subconsciously I am substituting the idea of going home with the idea of Christmas, which is where this year’s enthusiasm has sprung. I didn’t end up falling asleep until very late on Sunday night, thanks to a very exciting football game being played in New England but today’s exhaustion (and long nap) was worth it. I don’t care how the rest of the Eagles season goes because we have bragging rights. Oh the things that I would have done to be in New England last night for that game.

This morning I drug my feet to the airport to drop Megan off and proceeded to stand there crying while she went through security. I’ve yet to meet anyone else who consistently makes me cry every. single. time. I take them to the airport, quite like Megan does. I’d like to say it’s a skill she has but I know it’s a little more than that. Overall, we had a fantastic time. Ate a ton, saw it all and the only thing we didn’t accomplish, was getting a glass Coke bottle for her boss but I’m going to continue to work on it. I am so blessed to have such an amazing friendship with someone who I have known longer than both my brothers and has stood the testament of distance like no other. Our friendship has now traveled through four different states and to a completely separate continent. Not something that most people can say and pretty cool if I do say so myself.

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12 days to go. While the last 15 have been the fastest days of the semester, I know these 12 days are going to be the longest. I have 3 exams, 2 presentations, a ton of packing, and a very long 10 hour flight standing between myself and a cheesesteak; oh and my family of course.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week and good luck to everyone taking finals.

Mucho Amor – Stephanie

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