Stolen Phone and Pinkeye in the Same Weekend! Yippee!

Well Thursday morning, I woke up and couldn’t open my eyes. Great start to the weekend. I went to class anyways because we are only allowed three absences for class and the rest of me felt fine. I tried to just wear my sunglasses in class in hopes that maybe it wouldn’t be obvious but apparently that is very disrespectful here. I only had one class and we have a short “technology break” in the middle of all my classes and during the break, my teacher walked right up to me and said, “so what happened to you”. Fabulous. The only thing worse was the look on the pharmacists face when I took off my glasses to ask for drops. In Spain, you really only go to a doctor for very serious things and the pharmacists can prescribe you medicines without first seeing a doctor which was extremely convenient in this case. Walk in after class, showed her my eyes, she looked like she had just seen a ghost, then ran to the back, grabbed me the strongest stuff she had, and two euros later I was on the mend. By the end of the night I looked like a real person again.

That night, I rallied and went to a cool underground German-style bar with my roommates. There are tons of super cool and unique bars around the city and its surrounding11227901_3199293978929_8417248703778405124_n areas, that are hidden down smaller alleyways and its always nice to find a new little gem. The “cellar-like” atmosphere, long tables and large beers was almost like a taste of what we will be getting next weekend.

Like I had mentioned before, this week is a huge festival here in Barcelona, celebrating the cities patron saint called La Merce. Everyone comes together to celebrate with lots of food, drinks and concerts on the beach and in the town center. On the first night we wondered toward the town center to see what was going on. Then went down to the beach with just about everyone in a 30 mile radius who is between 13 and 25 for a concert (everything is free). I was shocked by the amount of police presence, but more-so that they weren’t really even doing things. Tons of teenagers walking through the streets either smoking weed or with huge bottles of alcohol in their hands. The cops would walk by and not do a thing. For the girl who’s home school just closed a giant lawsuit with our police over their “brutality and excessive force” this was a much different experience. The concert was very overwhelming, and we had no idea who the band was that was performing or what they were saying. Again surprised that kids could bring in FIREWORKS and shoot them off during the show. Nothing that would ever happen in America. The festival is still going on through this Thursday which is supposed to be the biggest day of it all, we even have off school, so we are anxious to experience more of the festivities. 11181821_10153692982887082_3262070016126110117_n

Yesterday we had a school organized event, going to an FC Barcelona game. (Disclaimer: My phone was stolen shortly following the game so I am borrowing the stadium picture from my roommate. Thanks Alex) The stadium was unlike anything Ive ever seen; absolutely huge. We sat all the way at the top, a rough stair climb, but the views were worth it all. It was totally surreal watching the worlds best soccer players, on their home turf, win like they did. 6-1 was the final score. I made some friends with a couple of English guys who were sitting near us and it was interesting to hear them compare soccer here to their soccer in their hometowns. Football, as they call it here, really is a religion for Europeans. The only thing I can really compare it to is our football religion at home.

IMG_1165Speaking of which, after the game, most of my school headed to a popular Irish bar, where to my very welcoming surprise, they had on the Eagles game. Now, it would have been much nicer to see them win, but honestly, I was just happy to be watching football. This gives me lots of hope for the start of hockey season next month. I had my phone stolen shortly after leaving the bar which is not cool, but with the amount of pick pocketing that goes on here, I guess I should be thankfully that they only took my phone.

On the food front, another visit to Brunch and Cake did not disappoint. Had a strawberry and brie sandwich, made on homemade bread with a poached egg, potato and tomato mixed green salad. And the best part of the whole meal, the cheesecake. Served in a flowerpot with layers of cheesecake separated by strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and cherries as well as graham cracker. If for no other reason, I’d go back just for that. Simply amazing. Tonight I am making my first attempt at eggplant parmesan so here’s to hoping!


 I have to say that this week has probably been the hardest so far. A little roommate drama coupled with really, really missing my friends from school, had me struggling to keep my head in the game this weekend. Thankfully, technology and my voices of reason (Thank you Meghan and Breanna) have helped to remind me that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that even when its tough, I need to remember that I will never be able to do this again, and how lucky I am to even be where I am right now. Not many people get these kinds of opportunities. Thanks Mom and Dad and happy anniversary!

 Next up, Oktoberfest!

Have a fantastic week every one. Mucho amor!

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