Eating My Way Through Europe 

Anyone that knows me well enough knows that I’m just like a guy and that the easiest way to my heart is through food and beer (But no red meat please). Although most of the little local tapas places, which are pretty much every other store around here, and all serve the same thing (and nothing is too amazing) we have managed to find some serious food gold mines these past couple of weeks. Can’t say it’s been the best for the waistline or the wallet but my tastebuds are surely enjoying it.

We started Sunday off walking about a mile to a well known restaurant called Brunch & Cake. It’s a little corner boutique place with super cool bench-like-things to sit in/on outside as well as a long, pretty, rustic family style table outside too. I don’t think I have ever struggled with making a food decision so much in my life. They serve breakfast all day as well as all these “SuperFood” combos and sandwiches and the thing I can’t wait to try next, homemade Veggie Burger! They also have tons of different coffees and smoothies too, all made with local organic ingredients. I had Eggs Benedict (a recent favorite of mine) served with Turkey over a waffle. Honestly, the waffle would have been enough and was my favorite part. A weird little things about Spain is that all their breakfasts are served with a salad. Alex had a homemade bagel filled with a turkey, egg, avacado and feta scramble. Between the two of us we can’t wait to go back and try other things on the menu and I especially can’t wait to take Jeff and Kim there.

 After brunch we wondered to a famous park called Parc Guelle or the Gaudi Gardens. After climbing 12 flights of stairs we reached a beautiful park that overlooks Spain. More-or-less all the famous/ popular pictures of Spain are taken from there. The park was designed by Gaudi and if my Spanish history serves me correctly, was where he lived toward the end of his life. We climbed a cross statue to see absolutely breathe taking views.  You can kind of see in the picture the mountain on the other side of the city where we stopped during our tour when we first arrived.

 Once we climbed down, we headed to the main part of the park, where we needed tickets which we didn’t know but we were still able to admire most of the views. There are really cool rock pillars (tried to do a handstand against one, smashed my head on the rock and crumbled to the floor) and a really pretty pink church as well. All of us are planning on going back and getting tickets next time so we’ll be able to actually see the entire garden.


Today after class roommate Emily and I went to a “build-your-own” burger bar. Almost died and went to heaven with this veggie burger I made. Quinoa, spinach, chick pea with Gouda and carmalized onion goodness. Again, another place that serves food with local and organic ingredients which I love. Looking forward to making other combinations later on.

 School is school. My Sport and Culture class is going to an FC Barca game which we are all excited for. In my Communication and Global Comp class we are getting matched up with local students who go to college right outside of Barcelona and need to do a meet and greet with them. I’m always nervous about meeting new people and mainly nervous about finding my way to their campus outside of the city to meet up. Fingers crossed I don’t get lost. I’ll keep you all posted. My journalism class has us creating a blog (thankfully my teacher said I could use this one) but I may be posting some more “educational” things here and there. Just a heads up.

In the last few days we have planned trips to the Amalfi Coast of Italy in four weeks and a trip to Prague, Czech Repub. for the weekend of my birthday with my roommates. Also doing some planning for when Jeff and Kim hopefully come to visit as well as when Breanna comes. Can’t wait to have my partner in crime in my new city for over a week and to be able to show my parents around.

I still wouldn’t say that I’m homesick but I do miss home. The little things mostly. Like going to “Guitar Dudes” at my favorite bar at school with my friends on Tuesday. Especially now that they’re all (minus the most important one) 21. My puppy. My little cousins. MY BED! MY DRYER (not a thing here)! Eating wings and watching the Saints/Eagles, I’d honestly watch a Cowboys game at this point. Don’t know what I’ll do with myself come hockey season. And most surprisingly, Alec. Don’t ask me why I miss that giant pain in the ass but I do. Really sad and bummed about not being able to see him play football at all this year but I guess that just means I’ll be sitting on the mat during wrestling matches when I come home. Get ready B! Don’t worry Ryan, I miss you too.

Looking forward to an always eventful weekend with my roommates especially since Friday marks the beginning for a week long festival in Barcelona celebrating their patron saint.

Have a great rest of your week everyone! Mucho amor

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